Close bettas......good or bad?


Feb 7, 2004
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Taylor. Michigan
is it a bad thing to have male betas close enough to see and flare at eachother, but not within contact? i have four betas, scraggle and dragon, which are in a betta tank made for 2, CC bubble gum, who is in one of those plastic critter tanks with the snap on lid, and midnight, who is in one of those spongebob fishy tanks......all next to eachother. do they like the amusement of being near other bettas or is this just aggrivation? i always thought it was something for them to do. don't want bored fish ya know! :rolleyes: and one more thing....would being like this maybe make them less aggresive and used to being around other fish? i thought a loner would be more aggresive than one exposed to others.....welp, thats all....buh byes :D
Yes, they like to be near each other. Bettas will get depressed if they're lonely. They've lived near other bettas their entire lives, they're not like wild caught bettas. Although they don't like to share the same territory (they'll fight,you know that though) I keep mine in 3's...male/female/male tank combos

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thats good....cuz they've been like this for a while. i don't always have the time on my hands to clean their cages, do they bother algae eaters or vise versa? and can i put females in with one of the males? the betta i was thinking about doing this with is the one in the critter cage. in the cage it has an aquarium toy with fake plants sticking out of it. this betta seems less aggresive than the other 3.
algae eaters are no substitute for proper water changes, it's just one of those things you have to find time for if you want to keep your bettas healthy. please don't put a female in with a male as the male with want to mate with her and he can kill her if she is not reponsive.
Bettas get along with a lot of different fish, they are only aggressive towards fish that look like them so they aren't going to attack, say some kind of tetra. White clouds, ghost shrimp, snails and other fish that tolerate unheated tanks can be with them. But bettas like their temp around 80 but I don't think that's possible in your tanks.

If these tanks are as small as I think they are, you shouldn't put anymore fish with them. The one built for two, is it really small, like a half gallon? Same ? goes for the critter keeper. And is this spongebob one the one shaped like a pineapple or the one gallon one?
the double one is a double hex or somethin like that. i forgot what the spongebob one is and i'm not a good judge on gallons n's the tank with the 2 waves on the front side and flat on the back, and it came with a background picture with restickable things, and a spongebob figurine. the critter cage is the biggest of the mom's opinion is about 2 gallons.

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