Afternoon all, i did a large WC and turned over the gravel...of course lots of muck came out! it was a pretty decent amount of water i changed, about 70% so of course lots of the muck was removed via the gravel cleaner but when i refilled the tank the water still had muck floating, so now..a couple of hours later,the water is clear(ish) but my filter looks....well...."manky" whats the best was to clean it?? Ive attatched a pic to show you
Should i take it out of the tank and rinse in tank water? Or can i use an earbud while its still in the tank, and also if and when i need to do a filter do i do it "correctly" i know not to use tap water, but do i take it apart etc? Thanks...silly question to some but its the simple things i get wrong and #28### it all up
Should i take it out of the tank and rinse in tank water? Or can i use an earbud while its still in the tank, and also if and when i need to do a filter do i do it "correctly" i know not to use tap water, but do i take it apart etc? Thanks...silly question to some but its the simple things i get wrong and #28### it all up