LilyRose Tank
Fish Herder
pH 6.8
Amm 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 10
GH no measurement
Soft water area
Tank size 64L
Inhabitants..three platy(1m,2f) plus a two week old fry
Betta spendens
6 panda Cory's
1BN pleco juvenile
2very small ( less than 1cm) mystery snails
Planted tank
When ever I dose with tropica fertilisers the two female platy clamp up and hide a lot. The male isn't clamped acting normal. All other inhabitants acting normal. Weekly water changes. Fluval U2 filter, rinsed in tank water every water change, no cartridges replaced ever, tank only set up a few months. Was getting small nitrite 0.25 ppm levels two weeks ago, but all clear now. Did a 50% water change today to see if anything changes???none yet
Amm 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 10
GH no measurement
Soft water area
Tank size 64L
Inhabitants..three platy(1m,2f) plus a two week old fry
Betta spendens
6 panda Cory's
1BN pleco juvenile
2very small ( less than 1cm) mystery snails
Planted tank
When ever I dose with tropica fertilisers the two female platy clamp up and hide a lot. The male isn't clamped acting normal. All other inhabitants acting normal. Weekly water changes. Fluval U2 filter, rinsed in tank water every water change, no cartridges replaced ever, tank only set up a few months. Was getting small nitrite 0.25 ppm levels two weeks ago, but all clear now. Did a 50% water change today to see if anything changes???none yet