I'd generally hope for ceramic media to last a lot longer than a year. The only really disposable common medias are carbon and floss (or wool or other equivalents).
Ceramic is great as it's easy to clean, but do watch it for reducing flow if you add in more and more. Eventually you reach a point where the filter is compromised by the mulm in it and the surface are for biofiltration isn't really being used as there simply isn't the demand. There's a lot to be said for a free running filter with enough surface area but not so much as to compromise the flow.
Personally I'm a big fan of foam filters, but only throw them away if they fall apart (which generally takes longer than the filter takes to fail), as they're great for mechanical and biofiltration, but love the ceramics for the free flow without clogging they tend to get, which is where they win for me as biofilters.