Cichlid Stocking


Fish Fanatic
Aug 25, 2012
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Fish currently own: 1 Oscar, 2 Jack Dempseys, 2 Firemouths, 1 Blue Acara, 1 Convict
From this stock I plan to put only the Oscar, Dempseys, and Firemouths in the 135.

What are some other fish I could put in with this current stock? (Choosing only 1 or 2): Salvini, Texas, Green Terror, Red Terror, Red Devil (or some other cichlids or hardy fish someone could suggest).
If it was my tank I would leave it with just the Oscar, 2 JD's and 2 Firemouths. That's still a lot of fish for a 135 when you consider the Oscar will need 75gal to itself and JDs would need 55. Then the Firemouths on top of that with would usually require 30-40 gal.

If you was to try something else then out of the list I would say the green terror or maybe the Texas. salvinis are meant to be very aggressie and the red devil and red terror will be way too aggressive for an Oscar or firemouth to deal with. Some say Red Devils are even more aggressive than flowerhorns but from my personal experience of owning both, I'd say the FH is more aggressive. Not always going to be the case as each fish' temperament is going to be different.

If you wanted a hardy fish instead of another cichlid you could get a bichir. Iv kept Senegals, delhezi and an ornate with my cichlids and all have been fine. Well, apart from when I tried the ornate with the flowerhorn. Didn't turn out too well for the ornate.

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