Christmas Card

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Indeed I really hope things start to calm down. Nobody needs that sort of hassle and stress. You're right to want to nip it in the bud... it doesn't feel right at all!
Best of luck!
:hyper: ***Breaking News*** :hyper: :hyper:

In breaking news his lorry has been spotted in a nearby industrial estate: :no:


:lol: :lol: :rofl:
Well that seems like a Haiku. Not making sense and lots of words I think it has all the elements... :D . But tell us more... I know theres a little special message in there. Maybe a secret admirer or something. But if your married then nevermind. Odd note for a card but I like the part where it says "Merry Christmas" that was a very interesting part.

-Arrowhead :ninja:
What ever happened to ..Happy Xmas ..fancy going out sometime ? .....he seems like sum kind ov weirdo, could be harmless but also could be quite dangerous. just politely say thanks for the card was a nice jester u and ur boyfriend are to manager and maybe some other workmate could relieve u from the till if he is known to be in the a woman hun you should NEVER have to feel uneasy around a male but we do especially ones like that .......stay safe and keep smiling ! x
Okay, this is just my interpretation, and I may of course be wrong, but here is what I think he's trying to say, based on the meanings of the words etc.

One of the first things I noticed was that some of the phrases and words were underlined - perhaps he wants you to read only the under-lined ones? Or only take real note in the underlined ones?

I am looking up all the words in the dictionary as I go, as I believe (from reading it through) that he would want to have the absoloutely correct definition of the word - dunno why, just strikes as something he would do...

Actually, it's the first line that strikes me as very weird and very creepy.

Propagate means to breed of reproduce a plant. Then it says good people after it. The propagte is in quotation marks. All of this says to me that he wants to ...err... "breed" people he believes are good - not trying to scare you or anything but, he probably means you.

With the symbiosis, I think he's trying to say that he gets his kicks from seeing you every Saturday, and thinks perhaps that you, in some twisted way, benefit from him. The bit after this explains it a bit.

The care bit may seem simple anough, but when you come to look it up, it seems to get more sinister. I'll type it up, but not including examples as it just confuses from what I'm trying to get at.

care noun 1Serious attention or thought 2caution to avoid damage or loss 3protection, charge, supervision 4 worry, anxiety

And then it goes on a bit. If I am right in thinking he would probably take the frist definition, then it sounds a bit weird.

You've said the the symbiotic is the same thing really, so I'll leave that bit out.

I believe the whole "photosynthesise" (which, BTW, he spelt wrong, it's actually photosynthesize) links in with the daisy. It being about light anf the daisy bit being about day - but more about that later.

Grow also has several meanings, which can be seen below:
1. Increase size or quantity; become greater
2. Develop
3. Be capable of developing as a plant, flourish
4. Become gradually
5. cause or allow to grow, produce by cultivation
Any of these could be used or interpreted, although I don't think, that for this word he used a dictionary definition entirely. I think possibilities of meaning lie in: 1, 2 or 3.

Do we not means simply, we do grow, don't we? (Or that is how I choose to interpret it).

Potential is there to grow.

The customer bit worries me a bit too, but not too much. It could be just that he is making sure that you know which customer he is, but the second definition is "a person one has to deal with". Could this mean you "have" to deal with him?

The rest, I haven't done, and at the moment I can't be bothered to. I might do it later, if I have time/can be bothered (sorry!).

But yeah, in my opinion, I'd be worried.
Americans spell photosynthesise with a Z ie. Photosynthesize...... the rest of the world spells it with a S :D

So what happened on Saturday?

Just stick a ring on your finger and say you and your b/f had got engaged. Put a picture of you and a guy on your till so he can't miss it.
Well heres what happened:

The plan was to press my security button when he queued at my till. Security would get a pic and stop him at the door. Not sure what would happen but I think he will be getting banned fromt he store. I was also told they needed to show that card to the police incase he is doing it in other supermarkets. My managers interpretation of the card was that he wanted to be more than friends. And I also told her about things he has done to other colleagues in the past.

Both my friends who no longer work at ASDA had some bother with him. He gave a book to one with photos that contained his journey from ASDA to his home (in the same town as me :( ) she only told security about it and obviously nothing was done about it. My other friend, he gave her a card at xmas time asking to meet for lunch at a bakers in her town (she says she has no idea how he knew where she lived). She said she showed the mangagers but they just laughed about it and again nothing was done about it.

Anyway, yesterday I was waiting for him to come to my checkout (was really worried about it) and he didnt come on the first half of my shift (I work a split shift) so i really didnt expect him to come at all. But he did, an hour before i finished. HE asked what I thought about his plant knowledge. I said it was an unusual christmas card. He said he doesnt usually do things normally (or something similar). Then he asked if i was set for xmas, I said no. He asked if I was excited about it and I said no. He said hes not really into xmas and its not about caring about people anymore. And i said its all about money really. That was pretty much the conversation, and no i couldnt bring myself to alert security :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

I can't stand the thought of him being stopped at the door because of me. I realise I'm the one that is going to have to stop this but I really don't want to upset him which is daft because I have been uspet over this myself. I also let the managers and staff down cuz I didnt do it. They think he didnt come through at all but said they will do the same again next weekend. So I'm going to have to do it. I'm just too soft and stupid and have only made things worse for myself. But I also feel I shouldn't be in this god damn situation. My manager told me quite a few stories about men being banned for bothering female checkout operators. Suppose its just life and nothing you can do to prevent it in the first place. Just want wierd people to get lost!!!
Americans spell photosynthesise with a Z ie. Photosynthesize...... the rest of the world spells it with a S :D

Actually no, I am English and I looked up the words in an English dictionary. And the dictionary told me it was with a Z.

The dictionary never lies... *hugs the dictionary*

I feel really sorry for you Lynz. Maybe you should just tell him gently that he's starting to scare you slightly and to back off,at least alittle bit?
I looked up my dictionary and both spellings are correct. I prefer to use the english way. Microsoft Word always corrects words to the english spelling to I guess thats why I choose the english way.
I guess i can understand how you feel as you are the one in that situation. You dont want to cause a fuss as you dont want someone who may be really harmless being punished. But you are feeling uneasy when he is around and its happened to others as well. It seems he isnt pushing you for anything more and i would wait a week or two and see if he does or says anything.
You have a right to feel safe at work and it looks like the security is a good idea and its his problem if he gets banned not yours. So next time he comes in and you feel uncomfortable press that bell.
Americans spell photosynthesise with a Z ie. Photosynthesize...... the rest of the world spells it with a S :D

Actually no, I am English and I looked up the words in an English dictionary. And the dictionary told me it was with a Z.

when i was taking my exams it was definitely spelt with an S! lol its always been spelt with an S. it looks more sophisticated with an S too.
im sure the Z is with american spelling though.

pho·to·syn·the·size /-"sIz/ also British pho·to·syn·the·sise :)

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