Choosing New Fish For My Current Tank


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Apr 18, 2014
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Hello, i'm trying to choose a new fish for my current tropical tank setup, but i'm not exactly sure which fish would survive. It would need to be a relatively large fish capable of holding its own, as the current inhabitants of the tank are:
1 jack dempsey cichlid
1 green terror cichlid
1 albino pleco
1 giraffe catfish
1 senegal bichir
ideas are appreciated, thanks.
to TFF!
What size is your tank?
I'd think more bichirs to keep your senegal company. They like to pile on each other :)
Here is a list of bichirs and sizes. I'd stick to the upper jaws since I don't know the tank size as the lower jaws may end up going after the senegal when they get bigger.
Upper Jaw Species-Upper jaw protrudes past lower jaw
P. palmas palmas ('palmas' bichir)- 13"
(subspecies)P. palmas polli ('marbled bichir)- 14"
(subspecies) P. palmas buettikoferi ('buettikoferi' bichir)- 13"
P. ornatipinnis ('ornate' bichir)- 27"
P. delhezi ('armoured' or 'delhez's' bichir)- 14"
P. senegalus senegalus ('Senegal' or 'Cuiver's' bichir)- 12"
(possible subspecies)P. senegalus meridionalis- 12"+
There is, Also the possibility of a third member of the Polypterus senegalus
group that is found in the Nile River 
P. retropinnis ('retropinnis' bichir)- 14"
P .mokelembembe
P. weeksi ('week's' bichir)- 20"
P.teugelsi (found only in the Cross river)-16.75''
E. calabaricus ('Ropefish')- 15"-30" (Closer to 15''-20'' in captivity)
Lower Jaw Species-Lower protrudes past upper jaw
P. endlicheri endlicheri ('saddled' or 'red' bichir)- 32", possibly more
(subspecies)P. endlicheri congicus ('giant' or 'congo' bichir)- 39"
P. Bichir lapradei ('Lapradei' bichir)- 24"
P. bichir bichir-30+ ''
Your tank must be tremendously large right? I mean giraffe catfish are not small fish by any means.
Maybe an adult black ghost knife?
More bichirs :D
Pike cichlids are pretty interesting and would certainly be able to hold their own against the other cichlids in the tank. I would probably look into rehoming that catfish though unless you're tank is at least 8ft long (which it probably isn't)
the tank is large enough to support all of the fish easily, the catfish is already around 1ft and all of the other fish are pretty much fully grown. More bichirs sound like a good idea, thanks.
And I was thinking of a black ghost knifefish, the ony problem is I can't manage to find any that have grown to a large enough size to not be ripped apart by the cichlids. Pike Cichlids would be good too assuming I manage to source some that are a large enough size.
Think having a blue lobster in there would be an issue? Not sure how aggressive/predatory they are towards large fish. I know they have a tendency of killing smaller fish.
Lobsters are saltwater so I assume you mean the blue crayfish? Crayfish are nocturnal and have a tendency to attack fish when the lights are out so I wouldn't risk it. You're catfish and Bichir would particularly be at risk. Vampire shrimp would be a peaceful alternative although they are not quite as attractive.
So how big is the tank? And I agree that crayfish would not be a good idea. :)
Yes, if you tell us your tank size we can give a better stocking.
I wouldnt trust any shrimp in there to not get devoured. 

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