ok then i was foolish not to look these intreaging fish up online before i bought them. but i was hooked as soon as i saw them in my local maidenhead aquatics. i got three took them home and got them settled. only then did i jump online and read how difficult these fish can be to keep. so heres the thing. ive had them two weeks now and the female of the three has a mouth full of eggs. i found them doing there courtship dance about five days ago and the following day she had a gob like a greedy hampster. im really suprised. and flattered at the same time. im by no means an expert and have only been in the hobby about 8 months. ive succsesfully raised two batches of endlers which is no mean feat i know but im really feeling out of my depth with this one. ive raised the endlers in my shrimp tank till they were big enough to go back in my community tank. i was wondering if this would work for the gouramis IF mother carries the eggs to full term. the water perameters are almost identical in both set ups. if anyone at all has any advice on these lovley little fish it would be most welcome. fingers toes and everything crossed.