Chocolate Cravings All In The Mind

Mar 17, 2005
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"Our love of chocolate knows no bounds.

We think about it, dream about it, and probably - just sometimes - eat a bit too much of it. Some people even go so far as to claim to be addicted to it.

But what drives our cravings for chocolate?

Some believe it contains mind-bending ingredients that can enhance our moods.

"It is explained by culture and not chemistry
Professor Peter Rogers"

One bite, they maintain, and chocolate's psychoactive compounds cause warm and fuzzy feelings to wash over us, making us want more and more.

But Peter Rogers, professor of biological psychology from Bristol University who is speaking at the BA Festival of Science in York, has carried out research that suggests this is not the case";

Full story;

I do like chocolate although i don't really eat it much now days, sometimes i go for a whole week or 2 without it, i used to eat it everyday or every other day in the past at certain points in my life, but i've cut down on it a lot over the last couple of years (wanted to keep lower and more stable body weight, plus just generally dreaded going to the dentist to have fillings done etc).
It wasn't difficult getting out of the eating chocolate all the time habit, as for me it was just that, a habit. I've never been fat in my life, although i do take a lot more care in my diet in general now days, as i used to live off all sorts of crappy food all the time when i was younger.

I don't tend to buy it as a present much for other people, although it can be a handy gift when you have no idea what else to give to someone, as almost everybody likes chocolate :) .

Do you have a love/hate relationship with chocolate? Do you eat too much of it, or hardly ever eat it all at or even never? What does chocolate mean to you :) ?
Honestly, I don't care if it contains active ingredients or not, or if it's bad for me, good for me, couldn't-give-a-damn about me, I like it and sometimes I eat it. I like it off the trolley that comes round our office at work though I hate paying her prices for it. It's not a god though, it's just a food stuff and I like it and when i want it I buy it.

It's far easier to deal with then most food. It's relatively clean, comes in a fairly quiet bag and is small and compact. You can stick some in your handbag and carry it around for days without noticing it, eat it when someone is giving a boring lecture at your desk, it mostly doesn't crunch or rustle, and it can either wake you up or put you to sleep or both.

Like booze without the hangover. And since I don't do booze, it works for me. Personally, I'd hate t think I only like it because it makes me feel "loved" - I'd rather have it because it's nice.
Well from what ive heard it has some of the same ingrediants in heroine. I think thats why people cant get enough of it sometimes and why psycologically it makes us feel good.
I eat it occasionally; not too much.
It's very good, though...soothing! ;) LOL.
My fav. chocolate candies are Reese's, Kit-Kats, & Twix.
Considering I saw this thread as I'm sitting here eating a chocolate pudding cup...
Yeah, I love chocolate. I'd guess I eat some nearly every day, even if it's just in the form of a small Hershey's kiss. I recently read that dark chocolate, among its other benefits, helps lower blood pressure, so I'm going to try to eat more of it.
Considering I saw this thread as I'm sitting here eating a chocolate pudding cup...
Yeah, I love chocolate. I'd guess I eat some nearly every day, even if it's just in the form of a small Hershey's kiss. I recently read that dark chocolate, among its other benefits, helps lower blood pressure, so I'm going to try to eat more of it.

Hm i think the best thing would be to just eat it in moderation, too much of anything is bad, its all too easy to get diabete's now days and its scary how many people have it and aren't aware that they have diabete's- i've personally tried cutting back on sweets/candy and chocolate and replaced such stuff with more fruit, i've noticed an improvement in my skin at the very least from eating less chocolate and more fruit :thumbs: ..

Chocolate tastes awesome, but even with the dark chocolate, only if its of a very high quality and has a high percentage of cocoa and low percentage of dairy will it have any health benefets, often the dark chocolate sold over the counter in places like supermarkets is no where near this quality. And at the end of the day, even dark chocolate is not that healthy, its healthier than milk or white chocolate, but it doesn't come anywhere near as close to the health benefets of eating stuff like fruit.
At the very least, based on what i have researched on the subject i wouldn't advise eating the stuff just because it might have meager benefets to your health, because when you also take into consideration all the bad stuff that chocolate often contains and weigh it all up, in my opinion any health benefets that dark chocolate may have are made pointless due to the negative effects it has on the body.

Taken from a news article on the benefets of dark chocolate;

"Belinda Linden, Head of Medical Information at the BHF, said: "Advising people to eat chocolate regularly for their hearts' sake is a reckless message that people should ignore.

"A little bit of dark chocolate enjoyed as an occasional treat is fine, but the BHF in no way endorses regular chocolate snacking to protect our hearts.

"Yes, chocolate contains flavonoids. However, most chocolate bars contain high levels of saturated fats and sugar that contribute to high cholesterol levels, obesity and coronary heart disease.

"Fruit and vegetables contain much higher levels of flavonoids, plus many other beneficial nutrients - without the fat content.

"So the message is, enjoy a little chocolate in moderation, but ensure you eat five portions of fruit and vegetables daily to get all the flavonoids you need without the added fat.";


"Writing in the journal Nature, they said adding milk to chocolate may cancel out these health benefits.

The findings raise the possibility that dairy products may interfere with the healthy properties of other foods, such as fruits, tea and red wine, which are also believed to have anti-oxidant effects.

The researchers said future studies into the health impacts of these foods should take this into account.

While lovers of dark chocolates may seize on the study findings, Professor Crozier warned against over indulging.

"Milk and dark chocolate contains high levels of saturated fats, which get into the blood stream and increase levels of cholesterol, increasing the risks of heart disease.

"I would advise moderate consumption, maybe a small bar of chocolate a day.

"It is a useful supplement to a balanced diet but it should not be a substitute for five pieces of fruit and vegetables each day."

Full news article in link below;


If you have to eat chocolate, dark is probably better than milk or white chocolate, but at the end of the day no chocolate at all is even better for your health :thumbs: .

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