First time ever getting aquatic plants, and i plan to get cherry shrimp soon for my 10 gallon, but i would like to know what are good beginner plants to get and if they would survive in a sand substrate only.
Honestly the best plant for shrimp is moss, either Java, willow or christmas. These dont need to be planted just tied onto some structure like timber or logs even rocks like lava rock.
Elodea is an easy to grow plant and the shrimp will clamber all over it. It is also a quick grower and will help keep nutrient levels down. Other good plant for nutrient control is Amazon frogbit.
More than anything shrimp want places to hid from fish. A dense are of moss give them a lot of small areas to hid from fish that might eat them. A one inch thick layer of most on the bottom would provide plenty of hiding places. It also supplies a lot of surface area for biofilm to grow on. Shrimp will eat the biofilm and any food that the fish will not eat.