Cherry Barb With A White Growth?


New Member
Jun 25, 2012
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was wondering could maybe help me, ive just looked at my fish tank to see that one of my cherry barbs looks like he has some kind of white growth between his body and tail, any clues as to what it could be?

but i will try and get a photo if he'll stay still long enough.
im not able to get the water checked untill tomorrow so sorry if im not very helpful
How many gallons is the tank please.
How many fish and which type.

The white growth does it look like a patch of cotton wool?
Does the white growth look like a lump, or bump?
Does the white growth resemble a cauliflower?
Is it possible to describe the white growth in more detail?
umm tank is 60letres, and fish wise theres... 3 cherry barbs, 2 plattys, 1 guppie, 3 tetras, 1 siamese fighter, 2 hongkong plecs and 1 flying fox.

the growth did kinda look like a cotton wool / cauliflower effect this morning, it looks more just like a smooth lump now,

would this be some kind of flesh wound at all from either another fish or perhaps of an oranment in the tank? he doesnt look like hes ill [well doesnt have any symptoms]

im sorry but its not really possible to describe it any more really i know its so vague
Can you isolate the sick fish? As I would try an internal bacterial medication.
Also check to see if the lump has any red, or pink areas. Centre of the lump, or around the edge of the lump.
yea i have already isolated the fish, sorry to ask but what do you mean by a internal bacterial medication?

and no its just completely white lump
What your location please. To suggest a med for you.
Your tanks overstocked.
Have you tested your water recently.
im getting it tested tomorrow, im in the isle of wight in uk :)

do you think having to many ornaments could effect the fish for any reason?
Anti internal bacteria medication by Interpet.

Make sure the ornaments have no sharp edging. Or flaky peeling paint, a rough texture. Ornaments with holes, make sure the fish you keep can't get lodged or stuck in them.
okay cool thank you, ive put some anti fungus n finrot medication in there atm as it did look kinda like cotton wool this morning, but i will get some of that anti internal bacteria medication you have said about aswell, and i will let you know the water test numbers tomorrow :)
The anti finrot and fungus med will get rid of the cotton wool. But it might not be effective on the lump.

Good Luck.

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