Cherry Barb Swimming Like It's Drunk


Mostly New Member
Aug 27, 2014
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Hi all,
I have a cherry barb that is swimming like he is drunk.  He is swimming along rather strange, goes straight up and then floats down to bump along the bottom.  Sits in one place and starts all over again. Sometimes he swims or is carried sideways.  What is happening?  Can I help him?  Help!  Other 30 gallon tank recently recovered from an ICK attack (new inhabitants) but no cross contamination.  Everyone else seems happy and healthy.  This is a 29 gallon tank containing 2 snails, 5 corydoras, 7 cherry barbs.  He has an appetite and eagerly although misaimed, pursued floating frozen brine shrimp this a.m. 
My water parameters are as follows using an API master kit:
Nitrate = 5
Nitrite = 0
Ammonia = 0
PH = 7.8
Any help would be appreciated!  Thank you 
Sadly, he went quickly.  Looking at him closely, I can't see a thing that would have contributed to his sudden death.  I observed at feeding last night and nothing seemed out of character for anyone.  Are the others at risk of this unknown problem? 
thank you!
What did you use to treat the ich? Assuming it's a standard medication, did you use a carbon filter to remove the medication once the course had been completed?
My thoughts are that if you didn't remove the medication, and it wasn't that long ago, the medication may have poisoned the cherry barb.
Sorry, I confused the conversation.  My other tank had Ick.  Don't know why I even mentioned it.  I have been sitting here watching and am noticing another swimming strange.  Very slight.  Like it's having buoyancy issues.  The snails are newer about 1.5 weeks in the tank.  
It sounds like it may be swim bladder disease, of which I have no knowledge. Hopefully someone else will be able to help you out, x

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