Changing Tanks Whilst In Fish Cycling..


Apr 30, 2012
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Ill be picking up a 3ft tank tomorrow to replace my 2ft and ive been cycling in fish for 7 it simply a matter of putting the water from my 2ft into the new tank? my filters only 2 weeks old but isnt enough for a 3ft/120lt tank i believe so would i simply put my filter media into the filter with the new tank?

any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks ben
Ill be picking up a 3ft tank tomorrow to replace my 2ft and ive been cycling in fish for 7 it simply a matter of putting the water from my 2ft into the new tank? my filters only 2 weeks old but isnt enough for a 3ft/120lt tank i believe so would i simply put my filter media into the filter with the new tank?

any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks ben

That is an unusual thing to do.

I'd be inclined to put the filter media into the bigger filter and run that in your current tank until cycling is definitely done. When you do upgrade, the water will not help the bacteria in the filter, however using the same water will mean that the fish have less change to adapt to which will be good for them. I guess you could put half of the water in the new tank, add some dechlorinated water the same temp, then after transferring the fish add what water was left in the original tank.
Your plan sounds fine but like mhancock said you don't actually need the old water. Especially if you're fish in cycling as they're probably in near enough the same water as straight from the tap if you're doing regular water changes.

However if you're setting the new tank up in a different place to the 2ft then by all means transfer all the water from the 2 ft. Are you replacing the substrate with new though?

If you are then it'd just be a simple case of washing the new substrate and placing everything that you want in the new tank (decor wise).
Then move the water from the 2fter (with fish still in the original tank), till there was only and inch or 2 of water left. Then move the fish over. Then finish emptying the 2fter if you want. Alternatively just top up the new tank with fresh dechlorinated tap water. Overall it should pretty just be a 50% or less water change for them.

Once you're done pop your old filter media into your new filter and set everything going.

If you're setting the new tank up in the same place or are planning to use the substrate from the old tank then it's a bit trickier. Place all equipment and fish into a bucket/storage box and half fill with tank water.
Empty the old tank. Remove substrate/tank.
Replace tank. Top up fish bucket with fresh dechlored tap water.
Half fill new tank with water after placing decor.
Place fish into the new tank.
Finish filling, being careful not to kick up too much sediment.
Place in equipment and off you go.
ah right ok sounds good to me many thanks for your reply mhancock

many thanks to curiosity 101 too!!

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