Change Of Substrate Due To Algae?


New Member
Mar 12, 2013
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Hey everyone. Iv recently just moved into my own house and took my 260L tropical tank with me but I have a problem, I had nowhere in the house to put the tank apart from in the living room about 1m from the window and this is making a lot of algae growth especially on the gravel substrate, the algae is growing around the peices of gravel and looks awful, i have got a 10inch plec in there and a few bristlenose plecs but they dont do much, so my question is this, if I changed my substrate to sand or something else would it reduce the algae and be easier to clean or should I look at algae eating fish?
Cheers any advice is appreciated!
If there's so much algae that bristlenose can't handle it, it's a big problem. Brisltenose are one of the most effective algae eaters in the hirstory of tropical fish keeping. If you like you could get a clan of cherry or ghost shrimp, I hear they eats algae. I'm most worried about this ten inch Pleco of yours. The chances are it will outgrow your tank. If it was me i would just remove it from the sunlight area or buy curtains for the window behind it.
You need to sort out the root cause of the algae rather than just replacing the substrate or it will never go away. Sounds like a light problem that you need to sort out.
Lunar Jetman said:
You need to sort out the root cause of the algae rather than just replacing the substrate or it will never go away. Sounds like a light problem that you need to sort out.
+1 also putting sand in will probably make thing worse as you will more than likely get a bad break out of diatoms. Diatom + sunlight = very bad news. Shade the tank, dont allow any sunlight to fall onto the tank.
Are your water stats ok? They can have an impact too.
I agree that it is better to get to the root cause of the problem than just trying to mitigate the effects.
Preventing sunlight from getting to the tank would be a massive help. Perhaps you could put a blind on the window (even net curtains would help).

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