I stuck with the neons since the LFS had them on sale ( 9 for $5, same with Harlequin Rasbora ) and my stocking list changed since my first post. Since the store is two hours and $40 in gas away I can only go once in awhile when its worth the money to drive there. When I got there this week they had no cardinals or emperors or lemons so I had to redo most of my stocking list. I'm on their call list for when they get Kuhli Loaches in stock, I had one as a kid for years and loved it, I named him Speedy so when they get more I'm picking up 10
My current stock is as follows:
15 Harlequin Rasbora
9 Neon Tetra
6 Black Neon Tetra
6 Skunk Corydora
3 Peppered Corydora
2 Albino Corydora ( had 3, but the smallest was the only casualty after the first night, poor guy got too close to the filter suction )
9 Red Wag Platy
4 Sunset Platy
4 Green spotted sunset platy
9 Corydora I'm still trying to figure out which species out of 3 options
1 Golden Bristlenose pleco
3 Hillstream Loach ( these guys are awesome )
6 Glass catfish
6 Five Banded Barb
3 Pearl Gourami
3 Assorted Rainbowfish, two of them look to be the same species, and one is different still trying to find out what they are
Just waiting on my Kulis
I've been watching the tank and nothing appears teritorial or mean towards other fish. The Gouramis have claimed the inside of the castle as their own and I catch them swimming around with the larger corydora all the time