Catfish Recommendation?


New Member
Mar 26, 2013
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Am still in the early stages of my tank but things have gone well so far. Its 37 gallon, with gravel (not sand) substrate).  Have six tetras, 3 zebra dannios, and two platys so far.
I'm wanting to add some type of catfish.  But not one that has separate feeding needs, and not one that needs to school.  And obviously not one that grows too large.  Reccomendations?
Bristlenose plec?
BNs are a good choice, but they have their conditions too.  They need some wood in the tank, preferably some attractive, for you not them.  They are very good algae eaters but generally unless you currently have an algae problem will need a supplement of an algae tablet once or twice a week (the platys will eat off this as well, but the BN will more than likely run them off it).  You also will want to feed some veggies (soft) regularly, but the other fish will enjoy this as well.
I have some driftwood.  But yes that still sounds a little higher maintenance, than I'd like.  Any with lesser maintenance than that?
I honestly don't think there exists a catfish that is easier and less trouble than a BN!
Really, they need only a bit of special food dropped down to them at lights out, once or twice a week. And you'll have some extra poop to clean up, but all fish make poop!

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