Cardinal Tetra - White Spots And Growth


Mostly New Member
Oct 4, 2013
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For just over a week now one of my Cardinal Tetras has a growth coming out of it's anus. I know it sounds disgusting but here's a pic:

I have also noticed that a couple of the others have a white patch on the side of their bodies.
Anyone know what the hell this is? The growth looks like a white piece of string... They are eating properly, but a few of them do separate from the group sometimes.
pic didn't work for me.
white patch is usually a sign of ick, but by the sounds of it for the anus part is an internal parasite. i would treat the whole tank. when feeding get liquid pimaflex, put some in a shallow dish. and have fish food that will soak up the meds before giving to the fish. it won't hurt the fish and because you are treating the fish for something internal its best to give it internal so that it will affect sooner and faster.
Can't edit my post for some reason. Sorry, here's the pic:
That's a great idea @ treating the food.
Oh god, it looks exactly the same.
Just a few questions if I may:
1. Do I just treat them with pimafix/melafix/salt?
2. Can I treat them in the main tank or do they need to be quarantined?
3. Does treatment affect other fish? I guess this one will depend on what I'm treating them for?
Parasite on fish will run it's course, (good chance fish will survive, one of my cardinals is still with us after having one grow near its mouth) Raise temperature to about 25° C. Adding Salt will prevent further outbreak, Primafix/Melafix will make your tank water smell nice for a few days and little else,
Temp is always at 26 in my tank. Good to know that they have a chance of surviving. I'm going to go and purchase some Primafix/Melafix later and start treating them.

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