Carbon Question

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Oct 13, 2011
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I wanted to know if i add this brand called Acurel F (it's a sort of water clearing formula ex. accu clear) and have a carbon activated filtration would this be eliminated because of the carbon.
Best to remedy the cause, than treat the symptoms.
Why do you need to clear the water?
I did a complete rescape. Changed everything in my tank from gravel and driftwood to sand and rocks. I'm using my old filter that has been running for about 2 years maybe longer now. My water is cloudy not extremely cloudy but it is still a little cloud. Also since I had driftwood in my other tank tannins leached out and made my water a tea color I didn't mind it because the color went great with the kind of fish I had. Now my tank has a very little tea color and i wanted to get rid of it with the carbon and get rid of the cloud with acurel f but I'm not sure if the carbon would negate that.
Well I would suggest not taking the carbon filter out! I do suggest switching the filter for a new one as it sounds like you have poor filtering occurring.  I would use the Accu F anyways its not going to hurt anything. 
i dont believe my filter is the problem because it runs great I've never used carbon filter because again i didn't mind the tea color but now i have a little tea coloration also i believe the cloudyness is from the sand because it is gong down little by little i just want to rid of it quick lol impatient is the word. all my parameters check out so there is nothing wrong with the water. 
i just recently used this stuff hoping it would clear up my tank.  i did not see any difference at al
How long have you given it since the re-scape. I expect it would take at least 48 hours to clear silt or clay from new gravel or substrate.

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