Hi guys.
Ive added some anti-internal bacteria to my tank because my water is all ok. Ammonia 0. Nitrite 0
And nitrate 40. Ph is 7.5.
Ive lost 2 fish this week. They had no signs of illness then all of a sudden acting very fragile and struggling to swim properly. But no visible signs illness or spots, burns or fin rot.
I took the advice of someone and added this.
It says add a bit every other day. When do i add the carbon to remove medications and then when is it safe to remove the carbon. People have advised me to only use carbon to remove medications as it can be very expensive to keep running all the time.
Ive added some anti-internal bacteria to my tank because my water is all ok. Ammonia 0. Nitrite 0
And nitrate 40. Ph is 7.5.
Ive lost 2 fish this week. They had no signs of illness then all of a sudden acting very fragile and struggling to swim properly. But no visible signs illness or spots, burns or fin rot.
I took the advice of someone and added this.
It says add a bit every other day. When do i add the carbon to remove medications and then when is it safe to remove the carbon. People have advised me to only use carbon to remove medications as it can be very expensive to keep running all the time.