Can You Keep Platies With Angelfish?


Aug 9, 2008
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East London
Well I have been doing for years but according to Pets At Home you can't!!! I've kept tropical fish on and off since 1978 and constantly since 1995. Bought a small angel there in August. Had reservations about buying fish there and this was my first but it's fine and has grown noticeably. Went with the dog today to the vet in there and saw two lovely coloured platies and asked for them as I need more colour in my tank. Was told I couldn't buy them as you can't mix small fish with a potentially large angel! What a load of rubbish. Platies are not that small and if a fish grows up with an angel it's far less likely to be bullied or considered to be food but the manager had never heard of that. I've had neons with angels and never had one eaten.They knew I'd bought the angel as asked for my postcode and house no., keep records now of what you buy in any of their stores!

Has anyone else encountered this? I know they've to be a bit careful with beginners but should make allowances for us experienced fish-keepers! Have complained to their head office. May send the wife in for them at the weekend and tell her to give her friend's postcode!
*sigh* ... pet@home and large pinch of salt comes to mind. 
I wouldn't believe anything you are told in there whether it's about fish or a dog, a cat or a rat. What they know about the animals they are selling I could write on a postcard. I was told platies were cold water fish only a few months ago by a staff member in my local store .... this was after they'd sold me two baby angelfish with Hexamita. They also sell corydoras as 'clean up crew' and that makes my blood boil.
I have a pair of angels. They are kept with otocinclus, harlequin rasboras, and tetras ... all fish smaller than platies. My only problem with keeping the two together would be the temperature. Platies would prefer cooler temps of around 24 where as the angels would prefer it much warmer at around 27 but that doesn't mean it can't work. Platies are very adaptable and they can live in a wider range of temps and so you could find a happy medium of around 25.5-26 degrees and both parties would be okay with that. My tank runs at 25.5 and everyone is happy (as far as I can tell!)
I'm really sorry to give p@h a real slating but it's just my personal experience
Everyone must look at"my 750 gallon pond of fish" on you that's mixing fish.
I have had Petsathome question me about my fish and tanks, I don't mind it so much after all they don't know we know about fish
  they have recently asked me if I am overstocked as they have on record I own a 90L tank only and I have bought a lot of fish from them, since the record started I have got a 200L tank which is not recorded so unless they ask you each time what size tank and what fish you keep the record is going to be slightly off as it depends on the staff member what questions you get asked, some are happy to ask how long has your tank been set up before selling others ask how big is your tank some just say you haven't got any flowing fins in your tank have you? when I bought some rasboras lol, I suggest you go in there as before attempt to buy the platies and if they say again they can't go with the angels just say they are not in the same tank you have other tanks 
 (which I am sure you do) Oh and FYI I keep a lone male platy in with my angels who are nearly fully grown and they pay no attention to him whatsoever 
any problems they can be moved right?
When I bought the angel I couldn't believe how many questions they asked me in there!! She wanted to know size of tank, all occupants and their sizes, temperature, how long it had been set up etc etc. I nearly said "just shut up and catch the fish mate" Yes I have several tanks but they didn't believe me.
So according to them you can't keep a dog and cat together!! Well my parents had both and I know others who have both together.
most fish stores around here would sell you any fish you want without question...they just want make $$$ for the store.  They would probably sell you bala sharks for a 15 liter tank.   
I have an angel and a few platies living happily in my 60 gallon tank. Sometimes the angel chases platies out of his territory, but he does not attack them.

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