Can you help me identify a fish ???


New Member
Mar 4, 2002
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Sorry but i ain't got a pic coz my pc was confiscated( ask
northumbria police)
but here goes
It is a very dark green with black spots (kinda like a
toad), its got a sucker mouth and spends its time sucking
my glass and ornaments, and it doesn't attack any other
fish(not yet anyway)
I just got it today and wondered what it was as my pet shop
man never knew (he just sold it to me), any ideas if you
need more info i will try to describe it to you
Is that a don't go there :0 with the puter??...

Is the fish in question a plec type or a loach type or anyother type of fish if you can group it close to another fish this will help :)
it is a plec type, he said it began with a "p" so it must
be plec

And thanks for putting up with me, as you can tell i am
just starting with this fish keeping game, and this
site/forum is invaluable to me.
Sounds like your in the land of L numbers :)

A picture would really really help. So until then it's a plec of somesorts

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