Can U Ask For Some Store Credit For Givig Back A Fish

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Jan 8, 2012
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im going to take my tin foil barb back to the lfs  and wanted to know how much if anf store credit I could ask for
You can ask, but it's up to the shop. I have two local branches of MA - one I am a regular at, I've only taken fish there once (not bought from them), they gave me credit without me even asking.
The other, I took fish there on my first few visits, they didn't know me at the time, I got nothing. Then I took back some fish that I'd bought there a month previously - they gave me full credit.
I would say it is store discretion. If you've had them a few days/week or so then you might get something but if you've had them a while and they're too big/not suitable for your tank any more then they might offer to take them off your hands for free only. You might get something towards another purchase whilst you are there but it really depends on the situation and how well you know the guys in your LFS.
None technically.  Unless there is something wrong with the fish that is clear could not have been wrong with it prior to you purchasing it, OR unless someone in the store told you something that was incorrect about it.  For example, Tinfoil barbs get VERY big.  If you were told it would be ok in a 2 foot tank then that is clearly a misrepresentation.
The more moral side to this is that most LFS's would like to retain your custom and can often help you out if it was a recent purchase (some will even give you store credit for a portion of the retail cost some time after).  I would not expect more than 50% if it was a recent purchase or more than 25% if it was a few weeks ago.
you could ask to swap for a smilirly price fish i usally just  ask for a swap
9murphy9 said:
you could ask to swap for a smilirly price fish i usally just  ask for a swap
Thats a good idea.... actually that has worked for me, especially if the other fish is a bit more expensive and you offer to pay the difference, or if its cheaper but you want a few of them and say buy more than the value and again offer to pay the extra.  Its all politics really.
the stores around here give 50% store credit of what they will sell it for.....but they only take larger fish, they arnt going to take in small guppies or mollies etc etc
The LFS in my area gives 1/3 of the sale value on the fish. I had bought 3 tinfoil barbs from them when they were an inch and a half long for 3$ each. I raised them to 4.5" and brought them back because they were outgrowing my tank and they gave me 6$ credit for each fish. Also depends. Assuming if you have one nearly full grown, they would give less than 33% if anything because the odds of someone wanting a full grown tinfoil is rare.
My LFS throws in fish for traded in fish, Likewise its lower the price but it's still nice they do swaps.
im taking him to ma at 2 so do u think they will give me anything
blackops said:
im taking him to ma at 2 so do u think they will give me anything
its probably best to phone and ask before you go through the hassle of taking him there
I just phoned and asked and the sead they whould have him but I dident say any thing about store credit
Doubt you'll get credit for a Tinfoil Barb, they have no value at all to the shop. Take up space, arent worth much and get huge. Rhere is one MA currently trying to shift 40 x 8-12" Tinfoils because people take on fish they cant look after or get bored of them and return them and so the shop ends up with loads of them.
If it was something the shop could actually make money from like big clown loaches or something, sure, you ought to get some credit... but when you have a species that most shops will give away or ask for a £10 rehoming fee... whats the point in giving credit for a fish they dont want? They would be doing YOU a favour in taking it off you... not the other way around.
People treat shops like swap shops and rehoming centers.... its no wonder more and more shops are taking on a 'no returns' policy (with exceptions to customers that bought fish within the week or two limit).

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