I while back I got a Male Betta for my mom in the Nursing Home. It worked out for awhile, until she tried standing to feed the fish and fell.
She is wheelchair bound at the moment, a bit of Dementia and forgets that she cannot walk.
To make sure she doesn't fall again, I brought the male Betta home. The Male Betta has a 10 gallon, and my 20 gallon community tank includes -
7 neon Tetras
4 Cories
2 Black Skirt Tetras
AND 1 FEMALE BETA I gave my two Pleckos to the Nursing Home for their 55 gallon tank, as they were getting too big for my 20 gallon.
It is a very peaceful tank at the moment.... BUT, could I add a Male Betta to the tank?
Thank you for your opinions... Also, Happy Labor Day!!!!

To make sure she doesn't fall again, I brought the male Betta home. The Male Betta has a 10 gallon, and my 20 gallon community tank includes -
7 neon Tetras
4 Cories
2 Black Skirt Tetras
AND 1 FEMALE BETA I gave my two Pleckos to the Nursing Home for their 55 gallon tank, as they were getting too big for my 20 gallon.
It is a very peaceful tank at the moment.... BUT, could I add a Male Betta to the tank?
Thank you for your opinions... Also, Happy Labor Day!!!!