Can I Put a Betta in a 10Gal Community Tank?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 28, 2003
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I have heard DO NOT PUT A BETTA in with another fish, however in lookin thru the pics forum on this site i see soem bettas in community tanks! I want to put one in my new ten gal at some point, should i do this?? whats the deal! help :dunno:
poindexter said:
I have heard DO NOT PUT A BETTA in with another fish, however in lookin thru the pics forum on this site i see soem bettas in community tanks! I want to put one in my new ten gal at some point, should i do this?? whats the deal! help :dunno:
Bettas should not go in with other Bettas (as a general rule). Certainly two males shouldn't be put together. People have also said male Bettas should not go in with Guppies - they see the fancy tails and attack. My Betta is in a 10 gallon community tank (well, he's quarantined for spots on his fins right now) with Platys, Corys, a Plec, and Ghost Shrimp. He loves it and he's very, VERY unhappy with me for daring to remove him from the 10 gallon. Poor sick fishy...

aka Lizard
i've moved my betta into a 10 gallong with a few platties in it. he was very happy with the large tank and doesn't seem to mind the company too much.
i've had mixed results. first Betta loved his neighbors, all the Tetras and Platties and even the baby Oscar were herded up for breakfast and dinner, and for fun.

then i put my Pierce in it. bad idea. he thought the Platties were female Bettas, and when they didn't want to breed he took a chunk of scales off Zane and tore up Hex's, Mishka's and Polly's fins.
it really depends on the betta, so you'd need a spare tank on standby... :eek:

would it go in with your guppies? bettas tend to bite the guppies tails cos they look similar (from a fish eye view :lol: )
If you have no other male bettas than yes of course. Though its tail might get torn up. :D
ive had lots of luck with bettas in with other fish, just not anything that is aggressive, or he'll lose his fins
I have a female betta with two white clouds and I don't even think she knows their in there.

My tri colored male betta was not active and didn't eat much, then I put him in my 18 gallon with some tetras and danios and he is crazy! He never stops moving and eats flake food now, a ton of it! Although i do feed him betta food 3 times a week to make sure he gets his little betta nutrition.

I put my melano male with some gourami and blue rams. He chases them and flares at them but can't catch them. Every once in a while a ram will come up and nip his tail but it doesn't do any damage and he just chases the ram away.

I think bettas make a good centerpiece fish when put with small tetras or zebra danios. They just stand out even more compared to the other fish. In my personal experience I have found bettas to be much happier in larger bodies of water then in 1 gallon tanks. And if you do keep him in a small tank go to petsmart and get the 1 gallon betta tank with divider for $6.99 and put a female on the other side for him. That way he will not be totally bored. Bettas are much more active with heat. The reason most people think they are boring is because they are cold and don't waste body heat. Heat the water and the betta will be all over the tank!!!
Mine seems to love it.

My tank is pretty empty except for the pair of Convicts and school of 5 Tiger Barbs. My 40gal is 24" tall and heavily planted (along with surface plants) so my betta just hangs out in the top 12" playing among the plants.

If anything, my betta is the most agreesive fish in the tank. I kinda rescued him from a uncared for betta bowl. He has some scars on his back, a clouded over eye, and was kept for about 1.5 years so he's near the end of his life. I put him in my 40gal and he is thriving now. My cons are afraid of him and stay away. If they get close he flares and they run.
I concur. I have always had a betta in any of my community tanks. Just watch him to make sure he doesn't start any trouble and have a back up plan ready.

I love bettas and wanted to add one to my tank as well. The lfs advised me NOT putting one in a big tank....said he wouldn't be happy. Maybe I'll give it a try anyway, and if I get one and he's unhappy, I can just take him back out!

AURATUS--what "kind" of gourami is that in your bottom right pic?? I love that one! :hyper: :cool:

The lfs advised me NOT putting one in a big tank....said he wouldn't be happy.

Sure, a big empty tank would not work, but a big, very well planted tank that gives the fish a feeling of security will work just fine.

I keep my Betta with plain guppies (ranging from fry to adult) and glass catfish in a 20 gallon, very well planted tank. The Betta uses most of the tank, and while he tries to eat the guppy fry he fails to catch them every time.
My Betta used to be in my what is now a 5 gallon hospital tank, I've moved him to my 42 gall tank and is very happy in there

which is planted but not heavily planted with bogwood and white rocks

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