Can I keep the Guppies?

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May 15, 2023
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I know I'm posting a lot but I'm rearranging my tanks so I am trying to get things sorted out

I setup a male Guppy tank about 5 days ago and noticed that 2 of the male guppies (there are 4) were bullying the other 2. Two are from a LFS with trusted breeders, and the other 2 are from a big chain pet store...funny enough, the chain pet store ones are the bullies. So I moved the bullies out and put them in my 5 gallon tank with neon tetras moving to a 10 gallon in a week, and they literally started schooling with the neons! The guppies weren't trying to nip or eat the tetras, but they would go wherever the tetras went and would stay in their school! Can I keep the 2 guppies with the neons when I move them in a 10g or will it end badly?

Also another question that had nothing to do with this, if I get only a couple black neon tetras, will they join the school of normal neon tetras?

Two black neon tetras may 'school' with the ordinary neons but only out of desperation as a couple of black neons is not enough for them to be happy. Ideally each shoaling species needs to be in a group of 10+ of the same species. Neons and black neons are not even related - they are in two different genuses, Paracheirodon and Hyphessobrycon.

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