Can I Afford To Add Any More Fish To My Aquarium?


New Member
May 19, 2013
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Ok I currently have what I believe to be roughly a 30 us gallon tank as the dimensions are;

23.5" length, x 23" height x 12.5" depth (average as kidney shape tank)

I currently have it stocked with:

4 x Neon tetras
4 x Silver tip tetras
4 x Neon Dwarf Rainbowfish
2 x Siamese algae eaters (i hope) ( I asked about these in another topic but as of yet no replys)
1 x Pearl Gourami

I was just wondering if I could fit any more into the tank or if it would be overstocked otherwise.

If more can go in can anyone give any suggestions?

I'd suggest not adding more, but if you were to add more, upping the numbers of the shoalers to 6 per group...
I would rehome one group of tetra and make the tetra and rainbow fish schools bigger.
Thanks for the replys I will probably leave it then as don't want to rehome any as I like having the veriaty in the tank. But also don't want to overstock and cause health problems.

Thanks for the help

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