Can I Add More Cories?


Fish Herder
Jan 22, 2011
Reaction score
Hi all!
My cories are looking a little stressed, and since my levels are good and there are no meds or anything in the tank, I'm wondering if it could be because they have a smallish shoal?
If so, how many more would I be able to add into the tank, if any? :)

Thank you! :D

EDIT: Sorry, how many more could I add into my 64L? Stocking is in my sig!
Is this for your 64L you have in your sig? I think you need to judge it for yourself. While you already have a good few fish, they're all mid and surface dwellers.
Yeah, sorry, forgot to mention!
I think I could add a couple more but I'm not sure whether I could up it to 8 or 10? I'm also planning to sell on some of the platies soon, so that'll free up a bit of space too. :)
I would get rid of every single platy and have two or three more corys instead.

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