Hello everyone. I have a 55 gallon planted tank that is well established. It includes a shoal of corydorus, a whole lot of Platys in various sizes, 4 lyretail Killifish, and one bristle nose pleco. Recently my dear old friend Charlie the angelfish passed of old age. He lived happily in this community tank and was my prize fish. Now when I look at my tank it just feels so empty and makes me sad. I was interested in a few dwarf gouramis. I did some research and it seems they will work with everybody in the tank.
I'm wondering what is the best number to add. How many females? I figure only one male? What's been your dwarf gourami, in community tank experience?
I'm wondering what is the best number to add. How many females? I figure only one male? What's been your dwarf gourami, in community tank experience?