Can I Add A Red Tailed Shark?

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Fish Fanatic
Jan 30, 2012
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So i currenty have a 20 gallon tank with 2 Skirt Tetras, 3 Mollies and 3 Serpae Tetras and 1 Dwarf Gourami. I am going to return the Skirt an Serpae Tetras today. I would like to keep the Mollies though. They sure are beautiful!

I want to get 2 more Dwarf Gouramis. I like the bigger fish look better. I would also like A Red Tailed Shark.

Would this work?
20 gallons is going to be way small for a red tail. They like to be on their own and hide all day in caves etc.
If you want to keep one I suggest you look into a bigger tank! ;)
Red tailed black sharks get quite big so I'm not really that sure, and they are quite territorial..
Definately recommend the corydoras ! Great clean up crew on the bottom :)
So many varieties and a lot more entertaining then the shark id say ... just my opinion :)
I would advise against getting 2 more dwarf gouramis as they will most likely fight over territory,
with a tank that contains
3 mollies
1 dwarf gourami
I would recommend bronze corydoras, they are fun interactive and beautiful fish that are very easy to take care of but they have few requirements such as

-they are schooling fish so should be placed in a group of 6 or more

-they prefer a sand bottom, as gravel can ware away there barbles, and irritate there underbellies leading to infections

-they have to be feed a varied diet made mostly of shrimp, or catfish pellets, and frozen or live foods

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