Can Fugure 8 Puffers Live With Green Spotted?

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Fish Crazy
Sep 28, 2006
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as the title says, can figure 8 puffers live with green spotted puffers? or are puffers best kept with their own type?
No for a couple reasons...

First, they require different water. A figure 8 should really only go up to an SG of 1.005, while an adult GSP needs at least 1.010, and can live in up to full marine conditions. Secondly, the GSP, from my experience, would be the more aggressive of the two, and you would have at least one torn up puffer.

If you're trying to think of things to keep either of these with, I've kept my figure 8 with knight gobies and a molly for over a year so far, with no problems. If the tank is large enough, you can also keep figure 8s with other figure 8s.

As for the GSP, I have a fairly young GSP in with young monos. The combination seems fine so far, but it is something I'm going to have to keep an eye on as they grow.
oh ok.
yeh i am trying to find out what types of puffers can live with other puffers. im sure the guy at the lfs will tell me tomorrow
The best combinations for multi-species set-ups seem to be South American puffers (which are midwater fish) and some of the Carinotetraodon red-eye puffers, such as C. irrubesco. The two genera simply seem to ignore one another. Mutiple species of Carinotetraodon red-eyes can work, but since these are rather retiring, often nocturnal, fish, that doesn't make for a very exciting tank. Multiple SAPs doesn't just work, it works very well, as SAPs are schooling, open water fish that live in groups and have no concept of territorial whatsoever. The more you have, the less nervous they are. There may be SAP and Asian Tetraodon combinations that work, too, but I have no personal experience of that.



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