Can black tetra, glofish tetra, black skirt tetra live with bumble bee goby?

Bumble bee gobies are typically brackish water fish. As far as I know they're kind of grumpy and can pick on tank mates...probably better living on their own. Black mollies may be OK with them I think?
glofish tetra, black skirt tetra
These are the same species, glofish are black skirt tetras which have been genetically modified by humans.

There are several black tetras - black skirt, black phantom, black neon tetras. Which do you mean by "black tetra"
@Nuttawet - can you share information about the water you use for your aquariums? Water hardness, pH and the degree of treatment differ within countries, let alone across countries, and your questions are hard to answer without more information from you.

Khuṇ s̄āmārt̄h bæ̀ng pạn k̄ĥxmūl keī̀yw kạb n̂ả thī̀ khuṇ chı̂ s̄ảh̄rạb tū̂ plā k̄hxng khuṇ dị̂ h̄rụ̄x mị̀? Khwām krad̂āng k̄hxng n̂ả kh̀ā pH læa radạb kār bảbạd tæk t̀āng kạn pị nı tæ̀la pratheṣ̄ mị̀ t̂xng phūd t̄hụng k̄ĥām pratheṣ̄ læa khảt̄hām k̄hxng khuṇ k̆ yāk thī̀ ca txb h̄āk mị̀mī k̄ĥxmūl pheìm teim cāk khuṇ
Can black tetra, glofish tetra, black skirt tetra live with bumble bee goby?
No they cannot live together because they come from different types of water.
Goby comes from water with lots of minerals and salt.
Those tetras come from water with no minerals and no salt.
Unfortunately the bumblebee gobies you like come from brackish water (a mix of salt and fresh). There are not a lot of other common fish that come from this water. Most people that keep them keep a tank with only bumblebee gobies, for that reason and because they do not get along with other fish anyway.

น่าเสียดายที่ปลาบัมเบิลบีที่คุณชอบมาจากน้ํากร่อย (ส่วนผสมของเกลือและสด) มีปลาทั่วไปอื่น ๆ ไม่มากที่มาจากน้ํานี้ คนส่วนใหญ่ที่เลี้ยงพวกมันเก็บถังไว้โดยมีเพียงปลาบัมเบิลบีเท่านั้น ด้วยเหตุผลนั้นและเพราะพวกเขาไม่เข้ากับปลาตัวอื่นอยู่ดี

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