Can Angel Fish Go With Any Cichids


Mostly New Member
Jun 30, 2014
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I was at my LFS an saw two large angel
Fish and I was jus wondering if I can put them in my 90G community chilid tank? I have two blue cobalts one yellow lab one achii I believe its called one peacock cichlid and a leopard cichlid
I don't think you want to mix south american and african cichlids. They require totally different water.
This would be a poor decision. Angels require soft water with a low pH, but African cichlids prefer hard water and high pH.
Not Only that but Africans sometimes can become more aggressive and nip the long flowing fins of the Angels. 

attibones said:
This would be a poor decision. Angels require soft water with a low pH, but African cichlids prefer hard water and high pH.
Ninjouzata said:
I don't think you want to mix south american and african cichlids. They require totally different water.
Not Only that but Africans sometimes can become more aggressive and nip the long flowing fins of the Angels. The African Cichlids in my opinion also may eat all the food before the angels get there. (Ive seen all of this happen)
I would not recommend that at all. But then i have blood parrots woth my angelfish...
I believe the way African cichlids and New world Cichlids signal aggression/submission is very different and this would lead to potential conflict in establishing a hierarchy. Its tricky enough doing this with Cichlids anyway without adding layers of complication...

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