Can A Platy Become Unpregnant


Fish Fanatic
Feb 21, 2013
Reaction score
London, England
I have a Platy who appeared very pregnant. Looking at her I thought that she would give birth any day. I transferred her to a birthing tank (fully cycled and with water taken from her originating tank). After three days there she has now got thinner (back to normal size).
There are no fry in the tank (blatantly obvious)as she hasn't given birth.

What has happened?
Was she definitely pregnant and not bloated? Platies are very greedy and eat everything and become huge-then skinny again a few days later.
She could have aborted with stress of moving her depending what size the birthing tank is.
I bet they are hiding! Do you have plants and rocks/wood in the birthing tank? Could just be hiding. I find platy fry to be smaller than guppy fry and very well hidden, whereas guppy fry are out in the open a lot.
When I first started this hobby 2 years ago, I had platies. I was convinced one was pregnant as she was huge and i've never seen one this size before, a few days later she was skinny. No fry-until a few weeks later when they were big and started coming out of the hiding places! I didn't even know!
My 64L tank has a platy, 2 male, 2 female guppies and about 15 fry. A few days ago I found the tiniest little fry. There was a male platy in the tank for 4 weeks, he died recently. The female didn't appear to be pregnant but it must be a platy fry because it was so well hidden until I moved the wood about. 
He's now in the 30L and I can never find him he's so small. 
Highly likely that she aborted the pregnancy due to stress from moving her to a new tank, also happens alot when you buy a pregnant Platy/Molly/Guppy/Swordtail from the pet shop, then you bring them home and the next day they are tiny again with no babies. Next time she becomes pregnant move her about 1 week before she becomes very large, that way she will be much less 'pregnant' and less likely to abort the babies :) Good luck!
Thanks for the replies.
I looked for any fry which included moving the Plastic grass but still couldn't see any. Its only a small breeding tank as it was originally bought as a hospital tank for a sick minnow (who sadly died).
I think I'll go with either she ate them or aborted them.
Still I've put her back in the community tank now.

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