Caesar - December 2021 Fish of the Month Winner (all fish)


TFF Contest Czar
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Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
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Northeastern USA
We have a winner in
December 2021 Fish
of the Month Contest
We had 8 awesome fish entered in this month's FOTM contest but only one could win...

And the winner is.......
Let's all congratulate him
Here's their winning entry and its description
This is my red tail Gourami. I bought him in 2016, about the size of a betta. He had been kept in a 10 gallon for almost a year and was stunted and unhealthy. I started him in a 30 gallon, them moved from that to a 90, then 140, and now 210. He eats peas, various fruits, assorted vegetables likes cilantro, worms, and pellets. He's currently around 18" long and 3" wide (will adjust when I get home). He lives with Central American cichlids as they're the only group of fish he's tolerated long-term. He's the boss of the tank.

If I walk past my bedroom he starts swimming into the front of the tank excitedly and is always on the lookout for me. Interestingly enough, he's also scared of me since I moved him to the 210. If I'm not feeding the tank while working on/around it, he ducks away and hides. Sometimes he riles up the other fish doing this and suddenly everyone is flying around panicked.
Congrats to Caesar with his beautiful Red Tail Gourami. What a great fish and super nice picture. Well deserved win!
Coming in 2nd place is realzalio with his Tetraodon schoutedeni/spotted congo puffer. What an unusual looking fish. Great pic, realzalio.
And coming in 3rd place is Kaleidoscope with his High Fin Black Ghost Knifefish. Very unusual fish and a great photo.

Thanks to all who participated in this month's Fish of the Month contest. Let's keep these contests going and keep the participation high.

I want to remind everyone that our Tank of the Year poll has started. We need your help in selecting the best of the best among the 12 2021 winners of Tank of the Month. So please head over to the poll and cast your vote if you haven't already done so. Winner will be announced on New Years exciting. Click link below to view the entries and then cast your vote.
wonderful photo! Are you the guy who has the new Google phone that creates depth by merging 3 images?
Congratulations, a really special fish :hooray:
Congrats @Caesar - I love all the detail you were able to capture! Awesome photo! 👍
Thanks, it's my go-to picture to show him off!
wonderful photo! Are you the guy who has the new Google phone that creates depth by merging 3 images?
No, I only have a measly Pixel 4A... Unless that's the phone that does that and I continue to be technologically illiterate 😂

Great Gourami, you won !!!
Congratulations 🥳
Very big and beautiful fish! You deserved to win, but all the fish were pretty
Appreciate it, I was definitely worried about some of the competition!
i love his grin
Hahaha, he's very expressive for a fish.
Caesar, The Google Pixel phones are known for their complex camera capabilities. I am halfway tempted to buy a used one solely as a camera. I saw your model used on eBay for ~$200. I saw a pic here a while back by another guy who had the latest pixel model, I believe a 6 Pro. Recall him as saying this model not available in the US yet, he’s from the UK. Spectacular photo he posted, but yours is equally excellent.

I’m becoming increasingly discouraged by my awful iPad pics. The device is very good for some subjects, but not fish. I have an old DSLR that isn‘t working for me either. I sold bird photos to magazines for years using that camera, but either lost my skills or it‘s not good for fish. It has no macro setting & can’t accept a macro lens.

Did you use a flash on your award winning fish?
Caesar, The Google Pixel phones are known for their complex camera capabilities. I am halfway tempted to buy a used one solely as a camera. I saw your model used on eBay for ~$200. I saw a pic here a while back by another guy who had the latest pixel model, I believe a 6 Pro. Recall him as saying this model not available in the US yet, he’s from the UK. Spectacular photo he posted, but yours is equally excellent.

I’m becoming increasingly discouraged by my awful iPad pics. The device is very good for some subjects, but not fish. I have an old DSLR that isn‘t working for me either. I sold bird photos to magazines for years using that camera, but either lost my skills or it‘s not good for fish. It has no macro setting & can’t accept a macro lens.

Did you use a flash on your award winning fish?
I honestly don't like my phone's camera. I previously had a Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge and I think I actually took this picture on that phone. It has image tracking if I'm not mistaken. I'll likely buy a Galaxy as my next phone, almost entirely for the camera.

I never use flash when I'm taking pictures of my fish.
It has no macro setting & can’t accept a macro lens.
I never use macro lenses or macro settings for fish pics.

Don't buy a new phone for the camera. Wait 6 months until the next model comes out and then buy the older model for half price. Most of the stuff on the new phone is software for editing the images.

Just practice with your old digital SLR. It took me years and tens of thousands of images before I started getting consistently good pictures of fish.

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