Haven't been here for a while, my tank is slowly but surely giving up the ghost so i have been searching for a bigger (mine is/was less than 50litres) so we are buying a tank second hand from someone, at the moment i have 10 neon tetras, 4 male guppies and a panda garra (yes i know the tank is too small!)
/img692.imageshack.us/img692/3907/newtank.jpg <<< that is my new tank
I haven't got it yet and unfortunately the campervan isn't included
lol but can someone check the stocking list? The ONLY fish i want to keep is my panda garra, happy to move the other fish on so please tell me what you would recommend. The tank is 2ftx1.5ftx1.5ft (approx 125 litres?) and contains:
A shark (i am presuming rainbow or silver), a catfish (unsure again!), what she describes as a "worm", 2 mollies, a fighter, 2 black widow tetra and "various other fish" approx 15 fish alltogether... what would you do?

A shark (i am presuming rainbow or silver), a catfish (unsure again!), what she describes as a "worm", 2 mollies, a fighter, 2 black widow tetra and "various other fish" approx 15 fish alltogether... what would you do?