Got a 40L aquarium stocked with a male dwarf gourami, 3 tetras and a cory. On poor advice I used to have two male gouramis but one mercilessly bullied the other and it got thinner and thinner and died.
Have just added two females and the cycle is starting again, with the male bullying both females. Maybe he's gay.
Anyway, bullying seems to happen a lot (happened with tetras as well) and always ends in the victim getting thin and then dying.
I thought two females and one male would be a good combination and got plenty of (silk) plants for them to hide in.
Maybe its a feeding thing - I only feed once a day so maybe they think they have to fight ot get food.
Any suggestions?
Have just added two females and the cycle is starting again, with the male bullying both females. Maybe he's gay.
Anyway, bullying seems to happen a lot (happened with tetras as well) and always ends in the victim getting thin and then dying.
I thought two females and one male would be a good combination and got plenty of (silk) plants for them to hide in.
Maybe its a feeding thing - I only feed once a day so maybe they think they have to fight ot get food.
Any suggestions?