So, two angel fish?
Angel fish are cichlids, and they can be quite aggressive. Two males will nearly always fight. Two females might get on, or they might not. Being cichlids, angels like to choose their own mates, so even a male and a female will not, necessarily, get along; they're also very hard to sex, unless they're actually breeding.
In most cases you only have two options; remove one of the fish and just keep one, or add a lot more angels, so there is a shoal of them and the bully can't pick on any one fish too much.
However, in your case, you're going to have to rehome both fish. A ten gallon tank is not big enough for angels, as they really do grow quite large.
There is, sadly, no way you're going to be able to sort this out without the health and welfare of the fish being compromised, unless you can get a much larger tank (one that's at least three feet long and 18" tall).