Bubble Nest Things


May 25, 2012
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cut a long story short i keep finding weird like bubble nest type things on the surface of my tank. my current stock is in my sig.

the best picture i could get

do danios do this?
6 albino cory catfish
6 peppered cory catfish
9 leopard danios
either 1 or 2 bristle nose plecs(cant find one atm)
5 platy fry
2 red cherry shrimp
bump. theres a few more today. mostly alone the edges of the water line
You don't have any fish that make bubble nests, maybe they are just bubbles?
Have you tested your water parameters?
Sometime bubbles collecting at the surface can be a sign of poor water quality.
If you agitate the water surface with your finger to create bubbles they should pop almost instantly with good water quality.
Do you have a Venturi or airstone?
Could be the filter flow pushing bubbles to a certain spot and collecting there.
Have you changed to a different water conditioner? One I tried tended to result in longer lasting bubbles on the surface for some reason. I think it had some sort of mucus additive for fish health.
il do a water tes later. they do feel kinda slimy though like when you touch it is doesnt pop. its kinda like a spit ball :sick:

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