Bubble Nest Theory?


Fish Crazy
Jan 1, 2012
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I am really confused about bubble nests. First, I knew what they were, and wasn't expecting one from my Betta, but now that he's made one, I have no idea! So I managed to get sucked into buying another Betta (I understand all you Betta lovers now!), and I put him in the tank I set up for him, and that was that. I thought "Great! I have another Betta buddy! Prism and Kuraudo! (Cloud)" Prism, my first Betta, has NEVER made a bubble nest. After one day of having Kuraudo though, there is a fabulous bubble nest at the front of the tank.....
ANYWAY! To get to my point, why are bubble nests made? Is the water still enough that the Betta WANTS to make a bubble nest? Are they happy? Are they healthy? Have they reached sexual maturity? Someone, PLEEEEAAASE give me an answer to this question that has been bugging me FOREVER!
(Just for fun, I have some pictures of Prism and Kuraudo)





They are both beautiful bettas, Trop! I'm quite new to bettas myself - only had mine just over a week, but I would say it's a good sign that they are feeling settled.
Some of the more experienced betta-keepers might be able to give a fuller answer, but I don't think it's a bad thing.
The bubble nest is a sign that the male betta is at sexual maturity. They are a sign of settled, happy, healthy betta. The bubble nest is made by the male betta when preparing to breed. The female lays her eggs, the male transfers them to his bubble nest, the female goes away, the male protects the bubble nest, and eventually the fry are swimming around. Some other betta species are mouth brooders, which means the males carry the eggs in their mouths, but many of them swallow the whole clutch the first few attempts at mating. Betta splendens are bubble nesters as described above.
Thanks! I was just curious about that. But, would that mean that there is something bothering my other Betta, or would he just be young?
It could just mean that he is young or that the surface of the tank has too much agitation for a bubble nest to stay put. It's nothing to worry about if one of your boys does not make a bubble nest, but fish who do make them are usually not sick.
Bubblenesting is one of the signs that a male betta has reached maturity.  That is really all that a bubblenest signifies.  It does not mean they are healthy or happy contrary to popular belief because some of the sickest and unhappiest bettas in the tiny "death trap" cups will bubblenest.  Some bettas never bubblenest unless when they are being spawned.  Some work on theirs for days making them thick and tall while other bettas will hardly make one even when spawning -- leading to the male blowing a couple of bubbles to hold the eggs/fry from falling from the surface only.  I have had both types of bettas.  The ones I have now, one has never built a nest and the other one is not old enough yet to want to build one. 
Your other bettas are very pretty.  In the top two pictures of Prism -- see how his fins are all clamped to his body?  Is this how he normally keeps them?
Prism doesn't usually keep his fins clamped, but I think I caught him just as he was swimming to the other side of the tank. He does this thing where he'll clamp his fins and swim to the other side of the tank. I haven't really paid attention to it, especially since he always seems to be flaring or swimming normally.
Cool.  I just wanted to make sure.  LOL

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