Brown/copper Algae In My Planted Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jul 21, 2013
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G'day all
I am quite sure that my problem here is similar if not the same algae to the thread titled "Brown Fuzz", but just to be sure..
This algae seems to be slowly covering EVERYTHING in my tank, and it seems to rot away the leaves of the plants once it really covers them.. Does anyone know what it is, why I have it, and how to get rid of it?
Pictures attached, it is actually a lot more prominent than these photos make out..

Lightning hours? Also what do you feed your tank? Any co2 etc
How long has the tank been set up? If it's not long, brown fuzzy algae could be diatoms which form when tanks aren't mature. It usually goes away in time though and can be wiped off. If you give us a few more details we might be able to help.
It's Diatoms mate. It is something that will plague most tanks at some point or another. They are connected with a water imbalance, and usually appear in relatively newly established tanks. That said they can also be triggered in well established tanks if there is shift in water chemistry. You can get chemical treatments that will get rid of it, but in my opinion it is better to fix the cause. 
If your tank is less than 3 months old, then I would do nothing as they will clear up on their own in a month or so. If you tank is well established, then try to work out what might cause the water imbalance. Things like a pH shift can be a cause, or if you have high nitrates. Diatoms are not so affected by lighting as most types of green algae are.
It is also a very light and weak algae, so very easy to clean away. Use a new(unused) soft toothbrush to clean it off those plant leaves.
You may find it disappears just as fast as it appeared.
Thanks a lot for the replies. Tank has been established for about 3-4 Months I would say, so from what you've said it sounds like these Diatoms.
Sounds like scraping it off, doing a water change as per usual and waiting it out might be the solution hey?
As for lighting, I use a 60cm LED bank consisting of 4 rows of LED's, not sure how many total, but that is on for about 6 hours a day, I also use Flourish excel once a week, and no CO2.
That is very normal at the 3 month point mate. Don't sweat it. Give it a clean when you do your water changes. You can even just rub those plant leaves between your thumb and finger and it will come off. A sponge will be good for cleaning the wood and rocks. Fingers crossed it will be gone soon.

Just to add, and from experience. If you clean it off every 2 or 3 days it is easy to keep under control, but if you leave it for a week or two it can be come stubborn to remove and damage your plants......little and often is the key to cleaning it away
Diatoms are hardy algae that blocks light so they need to be removed manually as DevoedTo Discus discribed. Using furtilizers and ensuring good cirulation ins the tanks are also key factors that will help you fight algaes like the diatoms. good luck mate.

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