Brown Algae?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 2, 2011
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I will put a picture up tommorow (lights are of) I have many plants in my tank but only 1 seems to be getting some brown stuff growing out of it has only grown to like 4cms if that but its not just in 1 location on the plant multiple places over the leaves and it looks abit like a hairy caterpillar (lol best way i could describe it) so just want to find out what it is really if I should remove it or let it be.
Is it brown or black ? Could be lack of flow. How long are your lights on for.
ye brown algae usually caused by lack of flow or fluctuating co2 and to much light reduce the light down to 5 to 7 hours a day if not already there, try not to do a water change with the tank lights on, aka before they come on, as this will increase co2 as you put the fresh water in and the algae will react quicker to it than the plants will, also if you can try and improve the flow in the tank, for a planted tank it is recommended you have 10x the volume of the tank in terms of flow, aka a 80L tank = 800Lph turn over from filters and/or powerbeads, you may not need more flow but more efficient flow around the tank as well, try and keep a circular motion of flow around the tank 
Sounds like black brush algae. A complete pain to eradicate. And it primarly shows up in low flow areas.
If you could post a photo that would help greatly in identifying it and helping you address it.
Picture would help as it may just be Diatoms.
Ps3Steveo said:
Picture would help as it may just be Diatoms.
Yeah, but fuzzy caterpiller sounds like bba, but a picture would help to nail it down.

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