Brown Algae Destroying Decorations


New Member
Jan 19, 2016
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Hey All,

I have a problem with a Brown Algae outbreak.

First some background information.

I am new to fish-keeping and was sold 16 Platys with a 65l tank. I then found out that this tank was WAY too small for my fish.

So I decided to buy a 125l tank. The problem was I only had a week before I could no longer return the 65l tank for a refund so had to put the 16 fish in after only a week of the new tank being set up.

After another week I had a MAJOR outbreak of Brown Algae. It was everywhere and I ended up losing four of my fish.

I cleaned the decorations and removed the brown Algae from the sand and filter, but within a few days it had started to come back again.

Its been well over a month now and the Brown Algae does not seem to be going. I have had a sample of my water tested at a proper fish store and it was perfect across the board.

I was told to try some Zebra Snails to try and clear the brown Algae. They have done wonders to the glass but there is still loads left.

Recently I noticed white patches appearing on my decorations where the snails had been and originally thought that the snails were eating the paint, but it seems I was wrong.

What in fact is happening is where the Brown Algae has been sitting on the decorations it seems to have eaten into them. If you rub your finger on them it removes the brown algae but it also removes the top layer of paint with it.

This is why I thought the snails were the cause, as where they had eaten the Algae it reveled where the paint had been removed by it.

What is going on in my tank? Can Brown Algae really remove paint from the painted polyresin decorations?

Any help would be appreciated.
The first thing to do is take these decorations out of your tank. They may be harmless, but on the other hand they may be leaching chemicals into the water. Algae is unsightly but it won't harm your fish.
Algae can block light and prevent neutrients from reaching the plant.  how often are you replacing the water and how much?  
I would agree with Munroco, Whilst these ornaments may be safe I'd be very worried about the paint coming off so soon. 
If the brown algae continues consider a lovely little fish called an Otocinclus. They are very small suckermouthed fish that love to graze on this type of algae. They are one of those fish that needs to be part of a group though (at least 6) so consider whether you have space for them before buying. The snails will do the job but it will take time 
Brown algae is typical in early aquarium set-ups, and believe it or not, it will go away once it has run its course.
Things you can try in the meantime:
a) reduce lighting hours
b) increase distance between lights & water surface
c) add floating plants to provide shadow
d) buy Otocinclus (they love brown algae).

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