hi, it seems i had a few brown patches of algae..easily removed with the 25% weekly WC, but it seems when i got my new gravel cleaner and had a good(proper vac, wasnt doing it correctly before)the water went cloudy, and has stayed cloudy after each PWC the brown patches have got worse and there are more of them....
i added poly wool to the filter thinking it was excess "muck" in the water, it hasnt cleared i went to google to see if the brown patches of algae had anything to do with the cloudy water.....seems it does..
with the new gravel cleaner disturbing the gravel and adding new fish, i have added ammonia to the tank to feed this brown algae, ive had a 25% WC this evening and it has cleared the cloudyness somewhat, so my questions are........
once my tank is fully stocked(im still stocking my recently fully cycled tank) and i have been having a gravel clean once a week for a while...ill no longer be adding ammonia to the tank right? will the brown algae/cloudy water subside?.....or is this a problem that will be ongoing?and needs immediate treatment?
how do i keep on top of the cloudy water and brown algae? the moment i clean all the patches at WC. i have a 25% WC weekly and a small WC(8%) just before adding a new fish(to keep ontop of the cloudy water)...
ive read about purigen....will this help? what is it? does it go in the filter...
water testing just before WC tonight were...ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 50(ish)
i have no plants i have 3 cory and 5 rummy nose tetra.
tank is 80L
i added poly wool to the filter thinking it was excess "muck" in the water, it hasnt cleared i went to google to see if the brown patches of algae had anything to do with the cloudy water.....seems it does..
with the new gravel cleaner disturbing the gravel and adding new fish, i have added ammonia to the tank to feed this brown algae, ive had a 25% WC this evening and it has cleared the cloudyness somewhat, so my questions are........
once my tank is fully stocked(im still stocking my recently fully cycled tank) and i have been having a gravel clean once a week for a while...ill no longer be adding ammonia to the tank right? will the brown algae/cloudy water subside?.....or is this a problem that will be ongoing?and needs immediate treatment?
how do i keep on top of the cloudy water and brown algae? the moment i clean all the patches at WC. i have a 25% WC weekly and a small WC(8%) just before adding a new fish(to keep ontop of the cloudy water)...
ive read about purigen....will this help? what is it? does it go in the filter...
water testing just before WC tonight were...ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 50(ish)
i have no plants i have 3 cory and 5 rummy nose tetra.
tank is 80L