Brown Algae Appearing


Fish Crazy
Aug 13, 2013
Reaction score
I moved my tank yesterday and when I plumbed everything back in my co2 defuser decided to spring a leak. Really handy that!! Did my best to resolve it, but just can't stop the leaking outlet that goes to the tank. Got kind of fed up by 1am and decided to bypass the reactor in the hope that Flourish Excel would suffice and algae wouldn't appear.
I get home tonight to find patches of brown algae appearing (already!!) on my swords, polygonum and ludgwigia. I'm kicking myself for not decreasing the amount of light, and hours of light....
Aside from doing this is there anything else that will help? I'm guessing I should stop EI dosing macro/micro ferts? Seems pointless without the co2. In that case should I switch to a low tech fertiliser?
I did a 90% water change yesterday to move the tank so nitrates are already very low at 10. My tank is mature with pH 6 to 6.5, KH is 3, light is 3wpg 2 hrs a day and half this for 6 hour in a 125l tank.
It's going to be a few days till I can get a new reactor and any tips would be appreciated. Thanks.
rms said:
I'm guessing I should stop EI dosing macro/micro ferts?
You're dosing excel so you're still high tech - If money's tight you could reduce the dose, but never stop - you're an EI guy now, don't think like n00bs

An you've already got the right idea about the light - reduce it to less than the given amount of carbon in the tank (No hard figures for this unfortunately)


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