Bronze Cory White Spots


New Member
May 7, 2012
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Hi, sorry if this has been posted a million times before but I'm new to fishkeeping and I find it hard to identify one of several possible illnesses because all of them match my description! I could keep looking but by the time I find out what it is it might be too late.

Tank size: 125 litres (27/33 gallons)
pH: 6.7
ammonia: 0ppm
nitrite: 0ppm
nitrate: ~10ppm
kH:3-6d (not 100%)
gH: 0-4d (not 100%)
tank temp: 25 deg c
Tank has been setup for 2 months with no fluctuations in any parameter for 2-3 weeks now. Before I got the tank it was fully cycled, I removed 3x 5" fish and replaced them with 10 tetra's steadily increasing to 14 tetra's and 4 cories about 4 weeks ago. I just added a handful of Java fern & Java moss two days ago.

Fish Symptoms: White 'fluff' on bronze cory. Doesn't seem to be lazy any more than usual but all my (4) cory's have had regular naps/lying at the bottom of the tank in the last 2-3 weeks. The fluff doesn't look like ich which seems to be white spots, rather it looks exactly like white mould (mold). Best I can find is columnaris but the pictures I have seen don't look identical. Its not uniform and appears only down one site of the fish. When the fish was lazily swimming about some of this fluff just detached and floated around my tank for a few seconds before being eaten by a tetra (!). ALL the fish were 100% healthy this morning with no signs of any mould or any white spots. That was only 8 hours before I noticed the mould stuff. I have 3 other cory's, another bronze and two small Albino Cory's. One of the albino cory's looks 'suspect' but because its white I can't tell! None of the tetra's look any different from normal. I haven't seen any shrimp for 2 days though.

Volume and Frequency of water changes:
10% weekly

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:

Tank inhabitants:
5x Cherry Shrimp, 14x Neon Tetra, 4x Bronze Cory

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):
10x Java Fern & 60g Java Moss

Exposure to chemicals:

I've setup a spare tank (50 litres)and warming it up, have dechlorinated the water. Will I be OK to move the sick cory into this in 3-4 hours? It has a spare filter and I will prob take a sponge out of my main tank and put it in.

My camera phone is rubbish so I can't get good pictures but I'll try describe it. Have you ever left a cup of water out for weeks? You get the white mould growing and it looks like clumps of fur. That is what it looks like. It juts out from the fish and follows the shape of it, sometimes bits fall off. It doesn't look like anything I have seen. Could it be just a fungus, and my fish is already ill?

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