I have peppered corys, I haven't lost many over the years. They are a peaceful bunch (I have six at the mo) and generally just mooch about in the sand, they are less greyhounds but more like a homely, comfortable dogs if you see what I mean.
Bronze and albino corydoras are the same species. I prefer the albino variety because I love albino fish, but both the bronze and albino varieties are very hearty. I've never kept the peppered. If you choose peppered corydoras, be sure your LFS (if sourcing them locally) understand the difference between the salt and pepper and the peppered cory. These are two separate species with different needs. The salt and pepper is one of the three pygmy varieties of cory while the peppered is much chunkier.
Peppered corys need a cooler temperature than a lot of corys so take that into account when stocking, they're a long lived fish so keeping them at higher temperatures will shorten their lifespan