Bristlenose Pleco, Small Growth On Mouth


Fish Fanatic
Jun 26, 2012
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Hello all,
I spotted last night my bristlenose pleco had a small white growth in the corner of its mouth. Its acting fine and still eating ok so doesn’t seem to be affecting it. Is this likely to be a fungus infection? Maybe cut its mouth on something?

Either way, am I best to treat the tank or see how it goes? I will try to get a picture but she hides alot but its no bigger than a couple of millimetres in diameter.

Water stats are:

0 - Ammonia
0 - Nitrite
20 - Nitrate

All other fish seem to be fine.
Can you advise what is best to do.?

Does the growth on the mouth look like cotton strands, cotton wool?
I have had another look at her tonight and it seems to have gone..

Could it be a type of scab healing a wound?
Glad to hear it gone now.
If it was a wound I don't think it would vanish in a day.
Keep a close eye on white cotton wool patches growing on the mouth area, Also cotton strands.

Thank you for the update.
If the cotton does re appear shall I treat with some Protozin?
myxazin by waterlife a better med for columnaris, false name mouth fungus. Fish handle bacterial meds better than parasite medications.

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