Bristlenose Pleco Help Please

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Fish Herder
Apr 3, 2011
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I bought one Bristlenose pleco a few days ago for my established tank. I haven't seen hide nor hair of it since I put him in the tank which is a bit disappointing as I do love them. I know they're nocturnal but my sisters two were out and about all the time in her tank. I'm wondering if it's ok?
Also I bought proper pleco wafers and put one in for the first time last night after I had switched all the lights off but it was still there untouched this morning. As I said my sister had two bristlenose plecs and they would be on the wafers like mad.
I read they need bogwood so I've purchased a nice piece I saw on ebay for the tank. I'm hoping it may hang around the wood so I can see it a bit.
Is this normal bristlenose behaviour and should I worry it didn't eat the wafer?  I believe mine may be younger, it's wuite small and a light brown colour. My sisters were larger and  almost black.

Lol just sitting here and looked at the tank and there he is!!!!
Sounds like he's just settling in; nothing to worry about :)

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