Bringing The Custom 2Ft Back Into Play


Fish Herder
Mar 14, 2009
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Had the stand delivered today....had it knocked up cheap, so it is more servicable than display lol.....will try to give it a paint tomorrow.
The tank itself will need a good clean, its been sitting in the shed for nearly 3 yrs, so is dusty at the very least lol. I will have to give it a test fill to see how the DIY background stood up over that time, and also the seals.
The canister that runs on this tank will have all the seals replaced, i'll be taking the media out of the canister that is running on the 2.6ft and putting in this canister. That way the fish can go straight into the tank once its scaped and running.
A photo of the tank when it was last running (naturally there are no plants in it presently lol
my dad always sells tanks we dont use, so i cant just say i want to set up a tank right out of the blue.
Lookin foward to the outcome! 
My Hubby knows better than to sell any of my fish stuff lol He does however tell me to sell them all the time, and i have sold some, and 2 more nanos going today hopefully. This tank though, will probably be here til its end of days, this one holds the 1st background i ever made lol
So an update: The stand has been sprayed and is in place, the tank is also now on the stand. I just need to do a final clean of it and fill er up, and hopefully we dont end up with water everywhere lol (once a day is enough and i've had my quota today grrrrrrrr)
Tank is up and running...woohoooo. Just giving it a chance to clear and come upto temp and the fish will move in.
I'll try for a photo tonight if it clears enough, if not i'll grab one tomorrow
The tank is as clear doesnt look that way in the pic i just took lol Sorry for the horrid pic, but i took it in daylight, other tanks have lights on as well, but you get the general gist of how it looks. (will get a better pic tonight)
Better pic, taken at night
Alasse said:
My Hubby knows better than to sell any of my fish stuff lol He does however tell me to sell them all the time, and i have sold some, and 2 more nanos going today hopefully. This tank though, will probably be here til its end of days, this one holds the 1st background i ever made lol
you made that background? wow thats super impressive!  I assumed it was Juwel lol
Yep i made it :) It is cement and foam, sealed. Made a few since this one, and more to make yet :)
Bought 3 more zebra danios to make a school of 6 in here now :)
Grrrrrr. my cat is in the dog house!!
I moved the fish out of this tank to give the tank a good clean.....well my beautiful RTBS must have jumped out of the holding tank in the minute or so i was bringing the last lot of fish down before i out the lids back on.....sadly got back to see 1 of my cats licking his lips.
:( :(
Yeah not happy! Sadly though my day has not been good fishwise...
Go to feed the goldies and the little tri colour is missing.....did a search...oh crud. My fault too, forgot to put the foam back into the outlet hole.....he swam in tried to turn around and got stuck big time....i managed to get him out, he is still alive but i dont know for how long....currently in with Pea, salt and meds added, but i think he may have been stuck too long. Time will tell
The bigger goldies can in no way fit, the smaller ones can, hence why i had the foam there. . Cant believe i forgot to put it back in
This tank will be emptied tonight. The background is failing in some places, unsure at this stage whether i will completely rip it out or do repair and reseal, will depend on how many failing spots i see.
I think rodents may have got to it while it was stored in the shed....sods!
Tank emptied....i have decided to fully rip it out, will also be taking the black paint off the back and sides so i can see if i have cleaned it properly, i may get a price to get a new scratch free panel added

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