Bringing Home First Puffer Today


New Member
Oct 6, 2005
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I am bringing home my first puffer today and have been reading the forums for about 2 weeks now. I was wondering though when you bring home your new puffer should you put in the solution that gives them there slime coat from being stressed out? also will a 10 gal be ok for one spotted puffer or can i fit another one in there???

Thank You
Using StressCoat or a similar product won't do any harm, and may help so go ahead and use it.

However... if by 'spotted puffer' you mean tetraodon nigroviridis, the Green Spotted Puffer then no, 10 gallons is not big enough for one fish and certainly not for two.

This species grows up to six inches long and requires strongly marine salted water (brackish) which needs to get stronger as the fish matures.
Personally i would never use stress coat, if you are having to use them then surely the fish is not in very good condition. They can actually be detremental if you use it on a regular basis as it weakens the fish's immune system.

Research plenty before you buy a puffer, make sure you know what to feed it (cockle, mussel, whole shrimp), and be careful not to buy a brackish (low-salt water) one if you dont know its proper needs.

The best puffers to start on are the Pygmy And South American puffers, just remember to provide them with LOTS of snails, or shelled cockle, so that their beaks are kept filed down and don't overgrow.

10g is ok for a GSP <2", then you'll have to upgrade. Do you know the SG it is kept at in the shop you are getting it from? Have you cycled the tank?

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